Do you know you could make more than 20mins free call to any network without paying a dime?
Now, just follow below steps:=>Get at least 3 or 4 sims or lines and write down the numbers for each sim on a piece of paper so you won't forget.
*sim1 - 070107936**
*sim2 - 081572376**
*sim3 - 081864050**
=>Now put sim1 in a working phone and switch the phone on incase of the phone verification call.
=>Now go to and click try us with a free call.
=>Then fill the fields with a different username, but in the phone no. field put sim1 no. i.e 070107936** and in the email field put an invalid email address e.g,, etc
=>Then click create a free account, then follow the remaining procedures and make the 1st 5mins free call and then logout.
=>Then do the same to sim2, sim3 and sim4, depending on how many sims you have,l after using those numbers to register. Know you can't register with them again, you can also use your friend's numbers, verify it and make my free call. Enjoy!!
Calculation: If you have like 8sims =>8sims x 5mins freecall =>40mins free call for you. So, keep on registering with this trick, I have made over 50mins free call to any network I wish to.
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Title : How To Make Free Calls On All Network
Description : Do you know you could make more than 20mins free call to any network without paying a dime? Now, just follow below steps: =>Get at least ...